Dolphin Emulator

İşletim Sistemi
Diğer Programlar
Güncelleme tarihi
24 Aralık 2024
The Dolphin Emulator console is a great way to spend time playing games with high quality and many enhancements! Inside the console, you have everything you need: high game speed, excellent playback quality, a user-friendly interface, online multiplayer, compatibility with PC controllers, and much more. With this console, you can enjoy a variety of games, even if they seem too difficult or take up a lot of space. Use this application at your discretion, and you won't even notice how you start using it regularly.
Uygulama değerlendirmesi
Editör değerlendirmesi
33 kullanıcı değerlendirmesi
Gereksinimler ilev2412-57
- İşletim Sistemi Sürümü: Android 4.4+
- İnternet: Gerekli değil
- Boş alan gereksinimi: 20 Mb
İndir uygulamaDolphin Emulator
v2412-57 Orijinal
v2409-115 Orijinal
v2407-221 Orijinal
v2407-167 Orijinal
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