WPS Office + PDF

WPS Office + PDF
  • İşletim Sistemi


  • Kategori

    Ofis Programları

  • Dil

    İngilizce, Rusça

  • Güncelleme tarihi

    23 Mart 2025

A high-quality office application on a smartphone is always useful, and WPS Office is definitely one of the best in its class. In addition to creating and editing documents in popular MS Office formats (doc, docx, xlx, xlxs, and ppt), the program stands out with its support for PDF format and a simple yet functional file manager.

Special attention should be paid to document creation, as WPS Office offers extensive functionality similar to desktop PCs: advanced text formatting, creating and editing shapes, tables, and diagrams, not only in texts but also in tables and presentations. This office suite also supports external USB and Wi-Fi keyboards and "understands" popular key combinations.

For those accustomed to storing their documents in the cloud, the integration with Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, and Google Docs will be an important advantage. For everyone else, it's worth noting that there is a quick way to send the finished file through any convenient method: via email or message, directly over Wi-Fi.

The app's design is simple and intuitive, fully adhering to the Material Design concept.

Uygulama değerlendirmesi

Editör değerlendirmesi

42 kullanıcı değerlendirmesi


Bu uygulamayı değerlendir

Gereksinimler ile v18.16 build 1528

  • İşletim Sistemi Sürümü: Android 5.0+
  • İnternet: Gerekli değil
  • Boş alan gereksinimi: 300 Mb

İndir uygulamaWPS Office + PDF

v18.16 build 1528  Premium

23.03.2025 - Değişiklikler belirtilmedi.

Oylar: 0

v18.15.1 build 1527  Premium

v18.14.2  Premium

v18.13.2  Premium

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