Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO
  • İşletim Sistemi

    Android, iOS

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  • Güncelleme tarihi

    09 Mart 2025

Pokemon GO (Покемон ГО) - Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, and many other Pokémon have been discovered on our planet. Join one of the three teams and compete with others for the right to own the best Pokémon. When you're in the city, your phone is always with you, and it can notify you when Pokémon are nearby. Take aim and throw a ball at your target. Don't hesitate, or it might get away. Help your Pokémon evolve and improve its abilities. Download Pokemon GO on Android, and it will definitely appeal to all Pokémon fans.

- How to install Pokémon GO in Russia and other countries where it is not available - read here.

- Playing Pokemon Go: rules and tips - read here.

- How to quickly catch all the Pokémon around - read here.

Uygulama değerlendirmesi

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126 kullanıcı değerlendirmesi


Bu uygulamayı değerlendir

Gereksinimler ile v0.351.0

  • İşletim Sistemi Sürümü: Android 5.0+
  • İnternet: Gerekli
  • Boş alan gereksinimi: 250 Mb
  • Çok oyunculu: İnternet aracılığıyla

İndir oyunPokemon GO

v0.351.0  Orijinal

9.03.2025 - Değişiklikler belirtilmedi.

Oylar: 0

v0.347.0  Orijinal

v0.345.0  Orijinal

v0.343.2  Orijinal

An error has occurred. Our servers are unable to handle such a huge amount of requests.

The GPS signal is not found / infinite loading when logging into the system

The battery is discharging quickly.

The camera is working, but there are no Pokémon in it.

Empty map or Unable to determine location

How to play in Crimea?

Yorumlar ile Pokemon GO üzerinde Android


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