Ship Simulator: Boat Game

Ship Simulator: Boat Game
  • İşletim Sistemi


  • Kategori

    Diğer Oyunlar

  • Dil

    İngilizce, Rusça

  • Güncelleme tarihi

    09 Mart 2025

The simulator game "Nuclear Power Plant Ship" offers you the opportunity to become a captain who must build a nuclear power plant in a remote area. You will have to solve complex tasks, taking into account the lack of transportation infrastructure and challenging surrounding terrain. Your main responsibilities will include building and managing mining complexes and production facilities, as well as transporting necessary resources between them. You will have to use an old ship, which will become your reliable companion on this challenging journey. Thanks to the money you earn, you will be able to purchase new transportation and improve your industrial facilities, adapting them to the requirements of building the nuclear power plant.

Uygulama değerlendirmesi

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8 kullanıcı değerlendirmesi


Bu uygulamayı değerlendir

Gereksinimler ile v0.423.1

  • İşletim Sistemi Sürümü: Android 4.1+
  • İnternet: Gerekli değil
  • Boş alan gereksinimi: 171 Mb

İndir oyunShip Simulator: Boat Game

v0.423.1  Mod: bir sürü para

9.03.2025 - Değişiklikler belirtilmedi.

Oylar: 0

v0.420.6  Mod: bir sürü para

v0.416.0  Mod: bir sürü para

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